Project: Station4All
Integration of public transport stations into everyday routines to improve equality in mobility
The aim of the Station4All project is intensive research into the extent to which the often different needs of the broadest range of groups of people are considered or neglected, in order to develop clear guidelines from this, to improve regional and public transport service quality. The focus here is on regional public transport stations, which often have only rudimentary equipment in comparison with public transport stations in urban areas.
The result of Station4All is a weighted, specific catalogue of measures for the best possible integration of public transport stations into everyday routines, which includes the needs of commuters on the basis of gender and diversity-specific requirements as well as feasibility from an economic and technical perspective. The clear value added here is the development of measures that involve all the relevant population groups equally, that promise a high level of acceptance, and that improve equality, sustainability and connectivity in mobility as well as strengthening structurally weak regions.